Fine-tuning the Mochi video generation model on GH200#
This guide helps you get started fine-tuning Genmo's Mochi video generation model using a Lambda On-Demand Cloud GH200 instance.
Launch your GH200 instance#
Begin by launching a GH200 instance:
- In the Lambda Cloud console, navigate to the SSH keys page, click Add SSH Key, and then add or generate a SSH key.
- Navigate to the Instances page and click Launch Instance.
- Follow the steps in the instance launch wizard.
- Instance type: Select 1x GH200 (96 GB).
- Region: Select an available region.
- Filesystem: Don't attach a filesystem.
- SSH key: Use the key you created in step 1.
- Click Launch instance.
- Review the EULAs. If you agree to them, click I agree to the above to start launching your new instance. Instances can take up to five minutes to fully launch.
Install dependencies#
Install the dependencies needed for this guide by running:
Download the model weights#
Download the model weights by running:
Prepare your dataset#
- Prepare your dataset by following the README for Genmo's Mochi 1 LoRA Fine-tuner.
Begin fine-tuning#
Begin fine-tuning by running:
You should see output similar to:
Starting training with 1 GPU(s), mode: single_gpu
Using config: ./demos/fine_tuner/configs/lora.yaml
model=weights/dit.safetensors, optimizer=, start_step_num=0
Found 44 training videos in videos_prepared
Loaded 44/44 valid file pairs.
Loading model
Training type: LoRA
Attention mode: sdpa
Loading eval pipeline ...
Timing load_text_encoder
Timing load_vae
Stage Time(s) Percent
load_text_encoder 0.21 17.34%
load_vae 1.01 82.66%
Sampling: 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 64/64 [03:33<00:00, 3.33s/it]
moving model from cpu -> cuda:0████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 64/64 [03:33<00:00, 1.09it/s]
moving model from cuda:0 -> cpu
Moviepy - Building video finetunes/my_mochi_lora/samples/0_200.mp4.
Moviepy - Writing video finetunes/my_mochi_lora/samples/0_200.mp4
During the fine-tuning, you'll see messages similar to:
W1126 16:46:47.939000 265211801175072 torch/fx/experimental/] [2/0_1] xindex is not in var_ranges, defaulting to unknown range.
W1126 16:46:51.271000 265211801175072 torch/fx/experimental/] [2/1_1] xindex is not in var_ranges, defaulting to unknown range.
W1126 16:46:53.847000 265211801175072 torch/fx/experimental/] [2/2_1] xindex is not in var_ranges, defaulting to unknown range.
W1126 16:46:56.411000 265211801175072 torch/fx/experimental/] [2/3_1] xindex is not in var_ranges, defaulting to unknown range.
These messages can safely be disregarded.
Cleaning up#
When you're done with your instances, terminate them to avoid incurring unnecessary costs:
- In the Lambda Cloud console, navigate to the Instances page.
- Select the checkboxes of the instances you want to delete.
- Click Terminate. A dialog appears.
- Follow the instructions and then click Terminate instances to terminate your instances.
Next steps#
- To learn how to benchmark your GH200 instance against other instances, see Running a PyTorch®-based benchmark on an NVIDIA GH200 instance.
- For more tips and tutorials, visit the Education landing page.